Call for Papers: Journal of Public Pedagogies special issue
Apocalyptic Pedagogies: Rethinking Publics and Publicness in the Time of Apocalypse
Guest Edited by Jake Burdick & Jennifer A. Sandlin
This issue centers on the public in an historical moment that is characterized by the metaphor of exposure. Under the aegis of COVID-19, we have fled public spaces out of fear of exposure to the virus, and simultaneously, the nature of the public itself has been subject to an exposure more akin to that of photography. COVID, as well as the overlapping sociocultural pandemics of racism, austerity, and fascism, has shone a light into, through, and across the institutions that we hail as public; created the desire for new spaces of public discourse and pedagogies; exposed disturbingly racist and violent movements for ‘freedom’ that had formerly been mostly hidden from sight; and potentially has been revealed as an ultimately illusory construct. The public has been lauded, even fetishized, across the history of Western thought, from its inception as a site of purportedly democratic discourse in antiquity to contemporary social thought that hails it as a space set apart from a world all-but-swallowed by the ravenousness of privatism and late capitalism.
Read full call for papers and submission details here
Final submissions can be:
● full length articles (5,000 to 6,000 exclusive of references) that theoretically and/or empirically attend to understanding apocalyptic pedagogies, publics, and/or publicness (these will be double blind peer reviewed)
● short texts (1000 to 1500 words) that explicate a particular public or pedagogy of publicness
● photo essays with short descriptions/theorizations
Deadlines (updated):
● January 8, 2020: Proposal/expression of interest (250 words plus 50-word bio)
● February 1, 2021 authors will be notified of acceptance of their proposal
● May 1, 2021 final submissions due for blind peer review