Call for papers: Public Pedagogical Formations of Histories

The Public Pedagogies Institute invites proposals for a forthcoming seminar series on the Public Pedagogical Formations of Histories.

The field of public pedagogy is still relatively new and emerging but has much to offer in how education is enacted. As a discipline public pedagogy looks to instances of learning and teaching outside of formal educational institutions. This includes but is not limited to spaces recognised as sites of informal learning. However, this does not indicate a binary, but rather porous moments where the contours of history are mitigated by public memorialisation, vigils, or other forms of representations. What are the pedagogical affordances and limitations of these respective representations of histories? Public pedagogy recognises the speaking subject in the instances of those who occupy the public realm and contribute to a public understanding of histories.

This seminar series draws on the field of public pedagogy and the educational affordances in the consideration of public memory and public history. It brings together presentations that examine both the relationship between sites of informal learning and the past, and that examine the histories of learning and teaching outside of formal education institutions.

  • How might history be informed by a public pedagogical framing?
  • What are the histories of learning and teaching outside of formal education institutions?
  • How might approaches to public pedagogies benefit from engagement with the history ofeducation?
  • How is the past remembered and in what ways is the past carried forward in the public realm?
  • What pedagogical responsibilities do we as communities have to bring a public into a relationship with the past and what might the public contours of this engagement look like?

This seminar series will be held via zoom and will run on a Friday Australian Eastern Standard time 10.00am—12.00pm beginning the 7th of March and concluding on the 4th of April 2025. If you would like to present as a part of this seminar series, please send a proposal no later than January 31, 2025, to

Seminar presenters will be invited to submit their paper to be published in a forthcoming edition of the Journal of Public Pedagogies.


Recommended reading in the field of public pedagogy:

Biesta, G 2012, ‘Becoming Public: Public Pedagogy, Citizenship and the Public Sphere.’ Social and Cultural Geography, vol 13, no 7, pp. 683-697.

Burdick, J, Sandlin, J and O’Malley 2014, Problematizing Public Pedagogy, Routledge.

Charman, K and Dixon, M 2024, Theorising Public Pedagogy: The Educative Agent in the Public Realm. Routledge.

Charman, K and Dixon, M 2022, Theory and Methods for Public Pedagogy Research, Routledge.

Charman, K, Dixon, M, Bellingham, R Thomas, M and Cooper, J 2017, ‘Educational Consciousness: Breaking Open the Category of Knowledge in Footscray’, Journal of Public Pedagogies, vol 2, pp. 54-63.

Sandlin, JA, Schultz, B and Burdick, J 2010 The Handbook of Public Pedagogy: Education and Learning Beyond Schooling. Routledge.