Public Pedagogies Institute
Interconnecting public, learning and research
Public Pedagogies Institute (PPI) aims to provide a platform for engagement and exchange between practitioners, researchers and organisations working in the areas of learning and teaching in the community or outside formal education institutions.
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About the Institute
The Institute developed following the 2014 Public Pedagogies Day at Victoria University and has drawn together people from a range of disciplines and locations locally and globally.
We aim to increase the profile of work being done in the area of Public Pedagogies, as well as provide an opportunity for connections to be made between community members and researchers who are interested in collaborating on projects.
Public Pedagogies Institute works in partnership with communities to develop and promote learning and teaching opportunities outside conventional educational contexts. Ideas for projects are generated from community, with academics working alongside community groups to foster and expand research partnerships.
A focus of the Institute is the development of an annual conference and Journal.
The Institute is open to new members and is interested in hearing from anyone who would like to become involved with our projects.
President/Convenor: Dr Karen Charman
President Elect : Dr Michael Shiell
Secretary: Bec Carey-Grieve
Treasurer: Associate Professor Mary Dixon
There are also opportunities for members to become part of three sub committees within the Public Pedagogies Institute:
- Project development and building profile of PPI
- Conference
- Journal
Please submit any inquiries or your area of interest via the contact page.