Getting of wisdom – Learning in later life
International Exchange and Conferences (12–18 Feb 2017)
A unique collaboration between researchers in Europe, Australia &
New Zealand
The one week Exchange (12–18 Feb 2017), including three one day conferences, is a unique collaboration between the Education and Learning by Older Adults (ELOA) Network of ESREA (European Society for Research into the Education of Adults); Adult Learning Australia (ALA), the peak adult and community education in Australia; Federation University Australia, and ACE Aotearoa, the peak organisation inclusive of New Zealand’s diverse Maori, Pakeha and Pacifika cultures and people.
Learning in later life is a relatively new and exciting field of research, and becoming increasingly relevant internationally. The two nations hosting the European exchange (Australia and New Zealand/Aotearoa) have only relatively recently begun to acknowledge, celebrate and learn from their rich, diverse and vibrant Indigenous and European ways of being and knowing after centuries of very recent and often painful colonisation.
One day conferences
The themes are about place, equality, empowerment and identity. which have been woven into the three conferences to be held in Australia and New Zealand 2017.
Older learning in diverse contexts
14 February 2017 – Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Learning later life and social inequalities
15 February 2017 – Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Learning, empowerment and identity in later life
16 February 2017 – Wellington, New Zealand
Visit the Adult Learning Australia website to find out more.