Intangible cultural heritage and intercultural dialogue

The role of public pedagogies in transmitting intangible cultural heritage and promoting intercultural dialogue

Charlotte Courtois

As American ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax warned, “if we continue to allow the erosion of our cultural forms, soon there will be no place to visit and no place to truly call home”. In this talk, Charlotte Courtois will discuss the role of public pedagogies in transmitting intangible cultural heritage as well as in promoting intercultural dialogue. Charlotte has been experimenting for 8 years, crafting workshops for children all around the world in order to develop their curiosity both about other cultures and about their own heritage. She will share the tools she uses and explain how the work of her association Konstelacio manages to put children in a position where they realize that they too – and not only adults – have cultural knowledge to share.

This presentation will take place on:

Friday November 23, 2018, 10.00am, Room T226

This session is part of:

Public Pedagogies Institute Conference 2018
November 22-23
Footscray, Melbourne

Register for the conference here